Are You Camera-Ready? You Should Be. Learn How!

Are You Camera-Ready? You Should Be. Learn How!

The sudden surge in video conferencing due to working from home has put a spotlight on what’s been true for a long time: Everyone must be camera-ready.

Even if you have never thought about being on-camera (Me? Television?) you were probably on camera before #WFH without realizing it.

5 Perfect Films, 5 Friends (The Incomplete List)

5 Perfect Films, 5 Friends (The Incomplete List)

Twitter at its best is a wonderful universe. An exchange of ideas for like-minded travelers and lovers of words. Good lighting not required. It’s keeping me company during the long isolating days and nights of the coronavirus, never more so than this week’s 5 Perfect Films, 5 Friends challenge that sprang out of nowhere with a tag from my dear, long-time friend @theresakereakes who was tagged by goddess activist @lizzwinstead, and instantly connected me to old friends, new friends, friends of friends and more.

You Should Look for Signs. Here’s Why.

I’m a natural optimist but the coronavirus pandemic has seriously tested me. These are scary times. Like everyone, my emotions run up and down. Last week I felt I had a handle on things. This week, not so much.

But I believe in signs. They are everywhere if we are open to seeing them. I don’t always see them. Sometimes I’m caught up in my own mischegoss.

Yesterday though, day 32 of working from home, I was walking down my Brooklyn block to get some fresh air and my bi-weekly grocery shopping when I saw The Sign on the stoop of a brownstone: An old paperback copy of Dale Carnegie’s classic, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.

April Virtual Classes!

April Virtual Classes!

​I’m optimistic there’s a light at the end of this long tunnel and have added three new virtual TV Hosting/Media Training classes. This is the perfect time to work on skills, stay focused on your big picture and feel good by doing good: 20% of the class fee is going to support The Los Angeles Regional Foodbank and The New York Common Pantry.

How to Avoid Zoom Gloom

How to Avoid Zoom Gloom

Zoom Gloom is real. It shows up when that dread one feels for yet another video conference call translates into low, dud spud energy and bad camera angles.

The first thing to do is get in the habit of checking in with yourself because as Gabby Bernstein says, your vibes speaking louder than words – even on Zoom/Skype/Bluejeans etc.