A master class in how to create content in the time of corona – or any time.
Are you watching John Krasinski’s Some Good News? It’s taken YouTube and the world by storm since it launched a little over a month ago (2.21M subscribers/50 million+ views and counting.)
I’m waiting for Episode 6 to drop as I type. If you haven’t checked it out yet I don’t want to ruin it with spoilers but trust me you’ll laugh, you’ll cry and you may even gasp – I did in Episode 5. Dude’s got some serious connections at Pepsi.
Some Good News (SGN) is also a master class in how to successfully create content in the time of corona – or any time.
This is smart strategy. SGN allows John Krasinski to stay connected with – and grow – his audience. His film, A Quiet Place Part 2, was postponed from March to September 4th. You can be sure we’ll show up for him.
(By the way if you need to go down another rabbit hole of delight watch John K and Emily Blunt – The Krunts – promoting A Quiet Place on The Graham Norton Show two years ago.)
John Krasinski plays to his likable strengths and earns infinite gold stars for his 100% connection with the camera, the content and the viewer. This is how authenticity works: vulnerable yet unapologetic.
The checklist:
Clear Brand Message
SGN is a mission-driven, purpose based show with a clear brand message that is repeated often by showing and telling:
No matter how hard things get, there is always good in the world.
It is simple, direct, uncomplicated.
Provides Value
These are unprecedented times. Many of us are feeling sad, isolated and disconnected from family, friends, colleagues and life’s moments. SGN is both entertaining and hopeful. Each episode wisely focuses on topics that unite us instead of divide us. Everyone’s invited.
The Viewer is the Hero of the Show
John K maybe the star of the show but the viewers are the heroes of SGN. The show serves my emotional needs. Whether intentional or not, it’s a case study of a case study of Donald Miller’s Storybrand in action. Viewers around the world are acknowledged and welcomed in every episode. So far there are 27 viewer-correspondents.
Elements (Wish fulfillment, celebrity surprises, BIG moments)
Delivery (same time, same day every week)
Brand Filters:
- Upbeat, Good News
- Warmth/humor/heart
- Inclusive and optimistic
- Stories/topics that unite us
- Dad lens: Family/Friends/Relationships (“no one who isn’t a dad would ever put so much love into this” – Finneas O’Connell)
- Smart and well executed/edited
I’m taking this to heart:
No matter how hard things get, there is always good in the world.