How To Slay Your TV Appearance

How To Slay Your TV Appearance

People ask me all the time: What do I need to do to crush my TV appearance.

And I tell everybody the same thing – no matter if they are promoting a book, a tv show, their recipes or relationship advice – The number one way to slay your TV appearance is by being a great guest!

Why? Because good guests get invited back. And that’s the win!

19 Good Things That Happened in 2019

2019 was both a wonderful year for me and my family and one of great sadness – one of my best friends chose to end his life, a decision I will never agree with and pray hard to accept and understand. Collectively too I sense many of us faced big challenges the past 12 months […]

NOW CASTING! Fun Pairs for Home Renovation Competition Series!

Dream of hosting your own House Flipping Show?? Grab your goggles, drill and table saw… A Major Cable Network and long-established Home Renovation Production Company are seeking PAIRS (couples/friends/siblings/co-workers/family) for a head-to-head renovation competition series shooting in Spring 2020.  We are looking for enthusiastic, 2-person teams with top notch skills and experience in home renovation, […]

Seeking Fluent German Fitness Instructors for Global Fitness Brand

A global fitness brand is looking for experienced instructors who are fluent in German (native speakers ideal. All ethnicities). Must be…high energy, out-going, engaging, able to motivate people to push to their limits, in great physical shape with a deep knowledge and passion for fitness – and comfortable on-camera. Must be able to work NYC local. Please submit […]

#NOWCASTING Hosts for Kids Science Show!

Departure Films is casting 2 experienced television hosts (21+, all ethnicities) who are authentic science enthusiasts to lead new series that explains the science of everyday life in a fun, cool way. Expanding on a popular book series, the hosts will teach kids (ages 6-12) the mechanics, processes, histories and science of things their everyday lives […]

I Had A Serious Case of The Shoulds…

I recently had a serious case of The Shoulds: I should have gotten more done this summer; I should have more things checked off my to-do list; I should be further along with my book; I should be thinner, fitter, healthier, more successful…I should be! Here’s the thing, I should is a kind of negative, […]

Your Media Career: Stuck in a bad romance?

Does this sound familiar: You’re active in the media space. You’re a pundit giving commentary on news programs, a lifestyle expert sharing tips on morning shows or everyone’s favorite guest panelist. You’ve been working hard on your media career for several years and you’ve earned a level of success and yet…they won’t put a ring […]

How Far Will You Move The Chair Today?

I was out for my walk this morning, thinking and visualizing my goals, as one does, and a memory popped into my head of my daughter when she was a brand new toddler twenty years ago: She got up from playing on the floor and toddled over to our dining table, steadying herself on one […]

I Get That’s Your What…But What’s Your Why?

One of my most popular recent posts on LinkedIn was: What is your WHY – your purpose? What drives you to play the long game and work toward your goals? I want to hear from you! I am delighted it resonated with my connections. Yet every single person who responded gave me their what not […]