How To Prepare Mentally For Your Audition or Job Interview.

How To Prepare Mentally For Your Audition or Job Interview. The dullest title ever, but google says it works. There are several things that vex me on a daily basis. Sloppy use of language is one that irks me. I can’t stand all this “wall-ah” business. It’s voila! and it’s


PHIL PALLEN’S Rest In Evergreen Peace

In honor of my Branding You! co-conspirator, Phil Pallen, I am re-posting his fabulous piece on How To Rest In Evergreen Peace via On September 4th, 2014, Joan Rivers tragically passed away. Sixteen days later, she posted on Facebook about the iPhone 6’s “great achievement in design.” What a disaster.


Get Your Career in Gear Reading List 2014

Continuing with the National Preparedness Month and Back To School themes (plus a recent Facebook meme), today I offer how to Get Your Career in Gear Reading List 2014. 50 Self Help Classics – Tom Butler-Bowdon I admit I wish I’d thought of this. But I didn’t. Tom Butler-Bowdon did


Are You Career Ready??

September is National Preparedness Month. This is a real thing and I’m really into it, having grown up with earthquakes in California. It’s also back-to-school time in New York so I’ve been busy preparing my kids with the annual trip to Staples to buy school supplies. Which brings me to:


8 Things YOU Can Do Today To Boost Your Career

First off, warm hello to my Twitter followers! Many of you have asked for career advice, so while I’ve been laying on the beach this week (yay, me!) I came up with this: 1. Subscribe to Backstage. Useful info every week. Someone recently DM’d me about the lack of opportunity


DON’T blow your audition (Skype edition)

Yesterday there were many digital chuckles when I posted, “Casting tip: Don’t schedule your @Skype audition while you are in a moving vehicle. Technology is amazing…but not that amazing.” Many of you guys put that in the “duh” column. But it really, truly happened to me yesterday so for those


How NOT to blow your audition

HOW NOT TO BLOW YOUR AUDITION Last week I initiated a spirited conversation on my FB Community Page when I said, “Can I see a show of hands of Casting Directors who enjoy being called “ma’am”” Oh…I don’t see any…” I was not saying people should jettison their manners oract


One More Thing You Need To Be Good At

This article via LinkedIn by technology forecaster Daniel Burrus caught my eye this week. Mr Burrus posits that “to thrive in this new age of hyper-change and growing uncertainty, it is now an imperative to learn a new competency—how to accurately anticipate the future.” Wow. As if I don’t have


How To De-Escalate (So Your Head Won’t Explode)

It’s my blog and I’ll vent if I want to. My teenage daughter is studying overseas this summer on a wonderful program in a beautiful country with a cash economy which means you can’t wave your phone to buy a cup of coffee. A few weeks into the program we


How To Succeed In Show Business: Do Your Homework Part 2

This is the topic that keeps on giving. For the Daytime Emmy’s on June 22nd, NATAS decided to hire social media stars to host their Red Carpet coverage. According to Soap Opera Network and they put out a casting call for  Millenials 18-35 with strong knowledge of entertainment and/or


How To Succeed In Show Business: DO YOUR HOMEWORK

How To Succeed in Show Biz: DO YOUR HOMEWORK Funny to be harping on homework as school is finally out for summer…BUT if you want to succeed – even a tiny bit – in the crazy competitive media world you have to your homework. This came up when one of


There’s No Napping in Successland

There is no point at which you can say, Well, I’m successful now. I might as well take a nap. – Carrie Fisher It’s been a hellzaoppin couple of weeks. Exciting developments on the work front, family milestones and just the general craziness of life – which is why I


When You Believe…So Will We

My friend, Mary Lengle, says, if you sit in the middle of the road you’ll get run over. You need a manifesto. A mission statement. A raison d’etre. You need to believe. When I was a kid people talked about having “the courage of their convictions.” You need that. And  you


How To Get A Book Published

This has been one of those long, short weeks, right? But still, lots of good stuff: The New York Rangers are going to the Stanley Cup Finals for the first time in 20 years. More on that later. Yesterday I went to BEA14 – Book Expo America’s annual confab at


Vote for Summer! Reading List #1

I am pleased as punched it’s Memorial Day Weekend and finally safe to take my winter coat to the dry cleaner. Although the Solstice is not until June 21st and New York City Public Schools are in session until June 26th (!!!), New Yorkers know Memorial Day Weekend as the


You’re Awesome. Maybe You Just Suck At Auditioning.

The NHL Playoffs just started their divisional finals so I figured it’s a perfect opportunity to work hockey and the New York Rangers into a post. Trust me, gentle readers, this won’t be the last time. I love ice hockey. It’s thrilling to watch and offers many valuable life and


Abelicious: Slow Cooker Pork Shoulder

This is a shout out for everyone living a stressed but blessed life. The busy working mom/person’s salvation: The Slow Cooker. I don’t get Meatless Mondays. It’s not that I’m anti-meat free days. It’s that I spend my weekend shopping and meal prepping for the week. And that almost always


How To Book On-Camera Jobs

How to book on-camera jobs? PRACTICE. Yup. Musicians practice everyday. Athletes train. Actors continue to study their craft. But for some reason, people starting out in hosting and presenting think: I’ve taken your hosting class(es), did Marki Costello’s Boot Camp and Patricia Stark’s Weekend Connection, I’m good to go! You’re



Here’s the May Newsletter in a nutshell: CASTING Nick Mom and Popsicle are looking for real Moms and their moms for the digital show, “Minute With My Mom.” Ideal moms (all ethnicities) live in the NY/Tri-State area and have at least one child in elementary school. Grandma (Mom’s mom) lives in the


Let Me Entertain You

Happy May Day! In the spirit of spring, rebirth and renewal, I am putting my money where my coaching mouth is and officially launching the Abel Intermedia blog – as I have instructed so many of you to do. YAY ALL OF US. In my day-to-day as a casting director


Ashley Graham – Model, Designer, Body Activist

“Barbara is absolutely amazing in so many different ways. I thought I knew a lot about being an on screen personality but she helped me tap into skills I didn’t even know I had and coached me in finessing the ones I already did. Her dedication to her research before


Chris Witherspoon, CNN

“There is media training, and then there is media life coaching… Barbara does the latter. The techniques she taught me in just a few sessions I call upon every single time I step in front of the camera. I’ll continue to do so for the entirety of my TV career.”


Kamie Crawford – Host People StyleTracks

“Working with Ms. Barbara has completely transformed the way I feel about myself when I’m in front of the camera. I have the confidence in television hosting that I’ve always wanted to have, and she always knew I had, deep down inside. Hands down, the best of the best! With


SIAN-PIERRE REGIS – EIC Swagger NYC, Pop Culture Contributor CNN & HLN

“Barbara brought out the best in my on-camera ability. She delivered critique straight, provided manageable feedback, taught me how manage the personality I wanted to portray, and, most importantly, how to entertain. Her energy is magnetic, and her connections are unrivaled. Such a pleasure.”



JOEY SCHALJO – actor, writer

“I can’t thank you enough for giving such a great class. Honestly, I learned more in the six hours spent with you than I have in countless other classes. It was eye opening and mind blowing.”

JOEY SCHALJO – actor, writer


PILAR STEINBORN – Fashion Stylist & Costume Designer

“BBA is my professional mentor to this day. She has given me the know-how to expedite, apply my direction to my goal and points out my strengths in which to hone in on. Anytime I need a regroup, she makes the time to guide me. Invaluable to anyone’s profession!”



Elizabeth “Bitsy” Jennings – QVC Guest Host

“For anyone looking to break into the world of hosting, TV Shopping, or perhaps you just need a refresher — I can’t recommend Barbara’s classes enough. Clearly, one of the top casting directors in the host world, Barbara has the experience, the knowledge and most importantly, the advice you need


Andrea Boehlke – Host PeopleNow

“Barbara Barna is the best! Her classes are very informative but also very fun and relaxed- no stress, no stress! I also trained with her in a one-on-one session before I hosted a national morning show and she helped me immensely; she knows how to boost your confidence right when


Julie Hightower – Host A Better Day With Julie

“Barbara has been a remarkable influence and coach for my On Camera career. Because of her classes and personal coaching it has truly propelled my career and dream to a Greater Level with exposure and lots of opportunities!! If you want to Maximize your On Camera potential partner with Barbara